10 Outstanding Classroom Display Ideas to Create An Engaging Learning Environment

10 Outstanding Classroom Display Ideas to Create An Engaging Learning Environment

Posted by EYR Team on 18th Mar 2024

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Whether transforming blank walls or updating spaces for the new term, classroom display ideas can reinforce a welcoming environment for children.


In this blog, we share 10 classroom display ideas to create an engaging learning environment. From world maps that show key lesson points, to birthday charts offering visual reminders for special days. There are so many fun opportunities to tailor each display to the classroom and curriculum.


1. Under The Sea Classroom Display


Under the sea

Dive into an underwater world by creating an under-the-sea-themed display. Paper plate jellyfish are great for integrating curriculum areas, encouraging children to learn about the importance of ocean life.

For older children, underwater displays can be a fun way to introduce topics such as marine biology, conservation and underwater eco-systems such as coral reef habitats. For younger children, test their knowledge of the amazing variety of creatures found across our planet's oceans and fun facts about the ocean.


2. Sensory Wall


Creating a sensory wall can be a great way to provide accessible sensory experiences in the classroom that don't take up too much space or need to be packed away.


Take a minute to consider developmental levels and sensory preferences. If tactile materials are preferred, try hanging up a sensory sequin frame or sensory mirror to appeal to specific interests.


As children explore their environment at their own pace they can practice descriptive language development and stimulate sensory development. Children can also use this area of the classroom when taking a break from learning or when sensory inputs are needed.


3. Reading Nook Display Board


Enhance reading areas by showcasing all the classroom's favourite books. Simply print out book covers and attach them to string with mini pegs to spark excitement for reading and literacy.

Encourage a love of reading by adding book reviews written by children to share why they enjoyed their favourite books.


4. Shape Wall


For toddlers and preschool children, learning about shapes is an important factor in developing an understanding of early maths and literacy skills. Create a wall display with different shapes and incorporate everyday objects to match each shape.


This display idea encourages shape recognition and categorisation skills as children develop familiarity with everyday shapes, such as circular wheels and rectangular doors. For older children, try creating classroom display ideas around the properties of 2D and 3D shapes like lines of symmetry and tessellation.


5. Number Bond Flower Wall


Number Bond Flower Wall

Interactive classroom display ideas are a perfect way to motivate children to review and revise their understanding of curriculum areas, such as maths. We set up our number bond flower wall by attaching our rubber-backed number discs to the board. Next, cut out petal shapes to write down sums which add up to make the number on the disc. Add a pocket to the display board with extra petals and encourage children to choose the correct answer to complete the flowers.

Our woven patterned hessian roll comes in a natural brown colour making it the perfect backing material for the colourful flowers to shine!


6. Seasons Tree Display


Capture the magic of the changing seasons with a seasons tree classroom display to support curiosity about nature and inspire children to observe the changes in nature that take place throughout the year.


Simply, cut paper into the shape of a tree and segment it into four parts. This visual display is an opportunity to show the characteristics of each season and discuss the changes each season brings. Encourage children to think about what happens to the animals who live in the trees and rely on them for food and shelter.


7. Birthday Cupcakes Classroom Display Ideas


Birthday Cupcakes Display

Track special dates across the year and you'll never miss a birthday again.

We used border card to roll yellow cupcakes for each month. Next, label each cupcake with a month of the year and add tissue paper to fill the cupcakes. For each birthday candle, ask children to write their date of birth onto a lolly stick and decorate with a photo of themselves or pom poms to complete the candles.

This classroom display is a great way to foster a sense of community and belonging in the classroom as children celebrate their birthdays and those of their classmates. It also helps improve an understanding of time and months of the year.


8. Nature Corner Classroom Display Ideas


Bring the outside indoors and immerse children in nature. Create a nature corner area where children can bring in items from nature that they find interesting and stick them onto a display board.


From colourful tree leaves to plant seeds and flowers, this scavenging activity allows children to see their contributions in pride of place on the wall as well as promoting exploration and appreciation of the natural world. Why not include photos and children's drawings for larger natural finds that are trickier to hang up in the classroom?


9. World Map


Create a world map with pictures or flags showing where children have visited or places they have relatives. This is a great way to promote cultural awareness and improve geographic knowledge.

For lessons focusing on specific countries and languages, the display can feature information about animals, landmarks and traditions of different countries around the world. For our display on Spain, we added our own Spanish Language Downloadable Flashcards which feature 52 words to print and practice.



Did you know we also have printable language flashcards in French and Chinese?


10. Alphabet Wall


Enhance letter recognition, phonemic awareness, and vocabulary for children by setting up a simple alphabet display. Accompany each letter with a picture of an item starting with the letter to encourage children to start thinking about letters and their sounds. This display can be a helpful visual checkpoint for those who struggle with letter-sound association.


Once children in the class have a better understanding of the alphabet, try introducing uppercase letters and digraphs to support learning and develop reading skills for life.



For more inspiration, take a look at our huge range of display resources and don't forget to share your classroom display ideas with us on our socials using #ExploreWithEYR. We'd love to see your ideas!


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