Top 10 Indoor Activities for a Rainy Day

Top 10 Indoor Activities for a Rainy Day

Posted by EYR Team on 20th May 2019

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Stuck inside with restless kids because it’s pouring down with rain outside? We all know how unpredictable the British weather can be…but don’t let the rain dampen your plans! Keep the children entertained even when it’s raining with these fun rainy day activities for early years.


1. Get Crafty


Inspire the children’s creativity and get crafty! Kids DIY projects are a great way of keeping the little ones busy when they are stuck indoors. We have a large range of kids craft ideas that are just perfect for those rainy days – from floating boats and planters to cards and photo frames, they’ll never get bored! Explore our extensive range of art and craft resources to make sure you’re topped up on those art supplies.


child crafting with coloured paper


2. Build a Den


There’s nothing more exciting than creating your own imaginative fort when the weather is bad outside. Mystery castle? Garden hideout? Go wherever the children’s imagination takes them… See our top 10 den play activities or den making kits for some den building inspiration and nestle into your own little cosy hideaway.


child and parent reading inside den


3. Get Active


You don’t have to go outside to keep the kids active! Why not create your own little obstacle course indoors to burn off their bundles of energy? The children will love the challenge and sense of achievement of completing each task. Use objects such as cushions to hop across, chairs to crawl under, stilts to walk on, space hoppers to bounce with, hula hoops to jump through and bean bags as targets to create the ultimate indoor obstacle course in your setting!


children jumping up and down on bed


4. Get Baking


Time for some baking fun! Let the children set up the perfect picnic spot inside for a yummy indoor picnic and then get your little cooks involved with the baking to enhance their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. See our delicious recipe ideas for some inspiration and get the kids excited about mealtimes!


children putting on sprinkles on cookies


5. Get Messy


Let’s get messy… Heighten the children’s sensory experience with messy play! Pop those little aprons on and splash mat covers on the table and let the children concoct their own imaginary potions. For some inspiration, try our top 5 messy play activities. Time to explore exciting new textures!


child playing with colouerd dough


6. Build a Tower


Who can create the tallest tower? Block play is an essential part of a child’s formative and physical development and it keeps them entertained for hours! Encourage the children to have a tower building contest and test their engineering and problem solving skills. See our wide range of construction resources for some inspiration!


child building with multi-coloured shape blocks


7. Read a Story


What better time to nestle down for story time than when the raindrops are pattering musically on the windows! Delve into some delightful traditional tales or make story time even more exciting with the use of puppets. You could even invent your own unique stories with our really random story bags – containing various story starter prompts to get the children’s creative juices flowing!


two children reading a story in den


8. Make Music


Music is a fantastic way of stimulating the children’s senses and encouraging creative expression. You can incorporate music into so many activities and it can also help to lift the children’s mood. Try exploring the varying sounds of different musical instruments or mimicking the sounds of different animals or even have an exciting dance competition! Let’s get moving…


two children playing xylophone


9. Head Outdoors


Make a splash! The rain shouldn’t stop you going outdoors – so pop those little wellies and waterproofs on, head on a fun muddy walk and let the little ones jump in those puddles to their hearts content! Why not even make the ultimate mud pie while you’re outside? Take a look at our magnificent mud kitchens for some muddy inspiration. For more outdoor rainy day inspiration then head to our dedicated blog post here.


children splashing in puddle with pink boots outdoors


10. Get Scientific


Ever wondered how much rain falls during a quick shower? Let the children measure and record the rainfall with a rain gauge! Then get them talking about the changes in weather and season and explore the differences and how to respond.


child pipetting blue liquid out of beaker



It’s playtime – come rain or shine!


Don’t forget to let us know how you get on with these fun rainy day activities on our Facebook or Instagram! Tag us in your activities or use the hashtag #ExploreWithEYR!