Building Blocks and Bricks
Introduce children to different shapes, textures and colours with our essential children’s building blocks. These building blocks provide your little ones time to think independently as they build and help improve their fine and gross motor skills.
Our kids building blocks introduce children to different shapes, textures and colours making them an essential resource for any early years setting.
Building blocks provide your little ones time to think independently as they build and help improve fine and gross motor skills. As children build with these building blocks they utilise their imagination at the fullest capacity as they create their structures, discover new shapes and see new colours. Our building blocks also encourage children to collaborate, giving them the confidence to express themselves as they discuss with their friends what to build. Building blocks also put children in a position to practice their problem-solving skills, constructing with irregularly shaped building blocks and mixing and matching bricks will get them thinking about how it all fits together to create a building.
As they engage in block play they get a grasp of basic mathematic and scientific concepts including shapes, sizes, gravity, symmetry, balance and estimation. Whilst they move and stack blocks they develop a better sense of spatial awareness and hand-eye coordination through stacking, lifting and moving blocks with their whole body.
The possibilities for play are endless with our children’s building blocks. Your little ones can add in alternative resources including dough, small world people, paints and pencils to extend play time and creativity.
Our range of children’s building blocks and bricks includes plastic blocks, traditional wooden building blocks and foam building blocks, which come in a variety of shapes (square, triangular, circular e.t.c), sizes, colours and materials (wood, plastic and foam pieces) and are suitable for use in the home, in preschools, nurseries, daycare centres or any other early years setting.