Healthy Living

Our PSHE healthy lifestyle resource help teach children about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and how to maintain well-being. Our PSHE healthy lifestyle covers all important areas of a healthy lifestyle including food and drink, exercise and oral health. 

Our food and drink resources help children learn about the different types of food and drinks that keep people healthy, what makes a healthy diet, how to make better decisions with food and drink, how to plan and prepare healthy meals and the impact food has on health. 

In addition to this, we also have exercise-related resources to help raise awareness among children about the importance of regular physical activity and having a balanced lifestyle.

Our oral health resources teach children the importance of brushing their teeth and how to brush properly to avoid any oral issues.

Our lifestyle-related resources teach children about the importance of having a balanced lifestyle, learn about how lifestyle choices can affect well-being during and leading up to examination periods and learn about the factors that influence lifestyle choices and how these can be managed. 

These PSHE healthy lifestyle resources encourage good habits at an early age that will serve beneficial for the future and makes children more likely to develop and live a lifelong healthy lifestyle. 

Healthy Living